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Please join the Public Interest Law Project for...

Saturday, February 24, 2024


This year's auction theme was chosen to teach people about what our impact in the community is. It's an emblem of our dedication to foster a realm where justice isn't just a legal term, but a lived reality for all. It reflects our unwavering commitment to

support aspiring public interest lawyers,

ease their financial roadblocks, and, in doing so,

nurture advocates who'll champion justice

in every corner of our community.


We realized that our dream, our real mission, is the promise of a just society, and every fund we raise is a stride towards making this dream a tangible reality. As we invite you to join us, we're not just inviting donations; we're inviting belief, shared visions, and a collective endeavor to shape a future where justice isn’t merely an aspiration, but a concrete assurance for all.

Our message is clear; PILP is here to promote justice, to alleviate the hurdles faced by today’s aspiring advocates, ensuring they're empowered to obliterate the barriers of injustice in the days to come. Through this year's auction, we seek to resonate this vision, to tell our story, and to invite every soul who believes in the power of justice to join us in this noble journey of creating 

Justice for All.



Saturday, February 24, 2024
10101 S Terwilliger Blvd, Portland, OR 97219